20 December 2011

Run as different user

"Run as different user" option is different than "Run as administrator", because you don’t have to elevate. You can run as an admin user, but be running as that user with non-elevated credentials. Also, it supports net only credentials, which Run as Administrator doesn’t.

The Run as different user context menu option in Windows 7 is implemented as an extended menu, which is only displayed if you press and hold the SHIFT key when right-clicking on an executable file or its shortcut.

16 December 2011

SCCM LogFiles

Just to remember....
a list of logfiles for SCCM

The locally client logs are located in the
%WINDIR%\System32\CCM\Logs folder
or %WINDIR%\SysWOW64\CCM\Logs (for x64 OS).

The SCCM server log files are located in the \Logs
or SMS_CCM\Logs folder.

IIS logs can be found in %WINDIR%\System32\logfiles\W3SVC1 folder.

Client Log Files

CAS - Content Access Service. Maintains the local package cache.

Ccmexec.log - Records activities of the client and the SMS Agent Host service.

CertificateMaintenance.log - Maintains certificates for Active Directory directory service and management points.

ClientIDManagerStartup.log - Creates and maintains the client GUID.

ClientLocation.log - Site assignment tasks.

ContentTransferManager.log - Schedules the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) or the Server Message Block (SMB) to download or to access SMS packages.

DataTransferService.log - Records all BITS communication for policy or package access.

Execmgr.log - Records advertisements that run.

FileBITS.log - Records all SMB package access tasks.

Fsinvprovider.log (renamed to FileSystemFile.log in all SMS 2003 Service Packs) - Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) provider for software inventory and file collection.

InventoryAgent.log - Creates discovery data records (DDRs) and hardware and software inventory records.

LocationServices.log - Finds management points and distribution points.

Mifprovider.log - The WMI provider for .MIF files.

Mtrmgr.log - Monitors all software metering processes.

PolicyAgent.log - Requests policies by using the Data Transfer service.

PolicyAgentProvider.log - Records policy changes.

PolicyEvaluator.log - Records new policy settings.

Remctrl.log - Logs when the remote control component (WUSER32) starts.

Scheduler.log - Records schedule tasks for all client operations.

Smscliui.log - Records usage of the Systems Management tool in Control Panel.

StatusAgent.log - Logs status messages that are created by the client components.

SWMTRReportGen.log - Generates a usage data report that is collected by the metering agent. (This data is logged in Mtrmgr.log.)

Server Log Files

Ccm.log - Client Configuration Manager tasks.

Cidm.log - Records changes to the client settings by the Client Install Data Manager (CIDM).

Colleval.log - Logs when collections are created, changed, and deleted by the Collection Evaluator.

Compsumm.log - Records Component Status Summarizer tasks.

Cscnfsvc.log - Records Courier Sender confirmation service tasks.

Dataldr.log - Processes Management Information Format (MIF) files and hardware inventory in the
Configuration Manager 2007 database.

Ddm.log - Saves DDR information to the Configuration Manager 2007 database by the Discovery Data Manager.

Despool.log - Records incoming site-to-site communication transfers.

Distmgr.log - Records package creation, compression, delta replication, and information updates.

Hman.log - Records site configuration changes, and publishes site information in Active Directory Domain Services.

Inboxast.log - Records files that are moved from the management point to the corresponding SMS\INBOXES folder.

Inboxmgr.log - Records file maintenance.

Invproc.log - Records the processing of delta MIF files for the Dataloader component from client inventory files.

Mpcontrol.log - Records the registration of the management point with WINS. Records the availability of the management point every 10 minutes.

Mpfdm.log - Management point component that moves client files to the corresponding SMS\INBOXES folder.

MPMSI.log - Management point .msi installation log.

MPSetup.log - Records the management point installation wrapper process.

Ntsvrdis.log - Configuration Manager 2007 server discovery.

Offermgr.log - Records advertisement updates.

Offersum.log - Records summarization of advertisement status messages.

Policypv.log - Records updates to the client policies to reflect changes to client settings or advertisements.

Replmgr.log - Records the replication of files between the site server components and the Scheduler component.

Rsetup.log - Reporting point setup log.

Sched.log - Records site-to-site job and package replication.

Sender.log - Records files that are sent to other child and parent sites.

Sinvproc.log - Records client software inventory data processing to the site database in Microsoft SQL Server.

Sitecomp.log - Records maintenance of the installed site components.

Sitectrl.log - Records site setting changes to the Sitectrl.ct0 file.

Sitestat.log - Records the monitoring process of all site systems.

Smsdbmon.log - Records database changes.

Smsexec.log - Records processing of all site server component threads.

Smsprov.log - Records WMI provider access to the site database.

SMSReportingInstall.log - Records the Reporting Point installation. This component starts the installation
tasks and processes configuration changes.

SMSSHVSetup.log - Records the success or failure (with failure reason) of installing the System Health Validator point.

Srvacct.log - Records the maintenance of accounts when the site uses standard security.

Statmgr.log - Writes all status messages to the database.

Swmproc.log - Processes metering files and maintains settings.

Admin Console Log Files

RepairWizard.log - Records errors, warnings, and information about the process of running the Repair Wizard.

ResourceExplorer.log - Records errors, warnings, and information about running the Resource Explorer.

SMSAdminUI.log - Records the local Configuration Manager 2007 console tasks when you connect to Configuration Manager 2007 sites.

Management Point Log Files

MP_Ddr.log - Records the conversion of XML.ddr records from clients, and copies them to the site server.

MP_GetAuth.log - Records the status of the site management points.

MP_GetPolicy.log - Records policy information.

MP_Hinv.log - Converts XML hardware inventory records from clients and copies the files to the site server.

MP_Location.log - Records location manager tasks.

MP_Policy.log - Records policy communication.

MP_Relay.log - Copies files that are collected from the client.

MP_Retry.log - Records the hardware inventory retry processes.

MP_Sinv.log - Converts XML hardware inventory records from clients and copies them to the site server.

MP_Status.log - Converts XML.svf status message files from clients and copies them to the site server.

Mobile Device Management Log Files

DmClientHealth.log - Records the GUIDs of all the mobile device clients that are communicating with the Device Management Point.

DmClientRegistration.log - Records registration requests from and responses to the mobile device client in Native mode.

DmpDatastore.log - Records all the site database connections and queries made by the Device Management Point.

DmpDiscovery.log - Records all the discovery data from the mobile device clients on the Device Management Point.

DmpFileCollection.log - Records mobile device file collection data from mobile device clients on the Device Management Point.

DmpHardware.log - Records hardware inventory data from mobile device clients on the Device Management Point.

DmpIsapi.log - Records mobile device communication data from device clients on the Device Management Point.

dmpMSI.log - Records the MSI data for Device Management Point setup.

DMPSetup.log - Records the mobile device management setup process.

DmpSoftware.log - Records mobile device software distribution data from mobile device clients on the Device Management Point.

DmpStatus.log - Records mobile device status messages data from mobile device clients on the Device Management Point.

FspIsapi.log - Records Fallback Status Point communication data from mobile device clients and client computers on the Fallback Status Point.

Mobile Device Client Log Files

DmCertEnroll.log - Records certificate enrollment data on mobile device clients.

DMCertResp.htm (in \temp) - Records HTML response from the certificate server when the mobile device Enroller program requests a client authentication certificate on mobile device clients.

DmClientSetup.log - Records client setup data on mobile device clients.

DmClientXfer.log - Records client transfer data for Windows Mobile Device Center and ActiveSync deployments.

DmCommonInstaller.log - Records client transfer file installation for setting up mobile device client transfer files on client computers.

DmInstaller.log - Records whether DMInstaller correctly calls DmClientSetup and whether DmClientSetup exits with success or failure on mobile device clients.

DmInvExtension.log - Records Inventory Extension file installation for setting up Inventory Extension files on client computers.

DmSvc.log - Records mobile device management service data on mobile device clients.

Operating System Deployment Log Files

CCMSetup.log - Provides information about client-based operating system actions.

CreateTSMedia.log - Provides information about task sequence media when it is created. This log is generated on the computer running the Configuration Manager 2007 administrator console.

DriverCatalog.log - Provides information about device drivers that have been imported into the driver catalog.

MP_ClientIDManager.log - Provides information about the Configuration Manager 2007 management point when it responds to Configuration Manager 2007 client ID requests from boot media or PXE. This log is generated on the Configuration Manager 2007 management point.

MP_DriverManager.log - Provides information about the Configuration Manager 2007 management point when it responds to a request from the Auto Apply Driver task sequence action. This log is generated on the Configuration Manager 2007 management point.

MP_Location.log - Provides information about the Configuration Manager 2007 management point when it responds to request state store or release state store requests from the state migration point. This log is generated on the Configuration Manager 2007 management point.

Pxecontrol.log - Provides information about the PXE Control Manager.

PXEMsi.log - Provides information about the PXE service point and is generated when the PXE service point site server has been created.

PXESetup.log - Provides information about the PXE service point and is generated when the PXE service point site server has been created.

Setupact.log Setupapi.log Setuperr.log Provide information about Windows Sysprep and setup logs.

SmpIsapi.log - Provides information about the state migration point Configuration Manager 2007 client request responses.

Smpmgr.log - Provides information about the results of state migration point health checks and configuration changes.

SmpMSI.log - Provides information about the state migration point and is generated when the state migration point site server has been created.

Smsprov.log - Provides information about the SMS provider.

Smspxe.log - Provides information about the Configuration Manager 2007 PXE service point.

SMSSMPSetup.log - Provides information about the state migration point and is generated when the state migration point site server has been created.

Smsts.log - General location for all operating system deployment and task sequence log events.

TaskSequenceProvider.log - Provides information about task sequences when they are imported, exported, or edited.

USMT Log loadstate.log - Provides information about the User State Migration Tool (USMT) regarding the restore of user state data.

USMT Log scanstate.log - Provides information about the USMT regarding the capture of user state data.

Network Access Protection Log Files

Ccmcca.log - Logs the processing of compliance evaluation based on Configuration Manager NAP policy processing and contains the processing of remediation for each software update required for compliance.

CIAgent.log - Tracks the process of remediation and compliance. However, the software updates log file, *Updateshandler.log - provides more informative details on installing the software updates required for compliance.

locationservices.log - Used by other Configuration Manager features (for example, information about the client's assigned site) but also contains information specific to Network Access Protection when the client is in remediation. It records the names of the required remediation servers (management point, software update point, and distribution points that host content required for compliance), which are also sent in the client statement of health.

SDMAgent.log - Shared with the Configuration Manager feature desired configuration management and contains the tracking process of remediation and compliance. However, the software updates log file, Updateshandler.log, provides more informative details about installing the software updates required for compliance.

SMSSha.log - The main log file for the Configuration Manager Network Access Protection client and contains a merged statement of health information from the two Configuration Manager components: location services (LS) and the configuration compliance agent (CCA). This log file also contains information about the interactions between the Configuration Manager System Health Agent and the operating system NAP agent, and also between the Configuration Manager System Health Agent and both the configuration compliance agent and the location services. It provides information about whether the NAP agent successfully initialized, the statement of health data, and the statement of health response.

System Health Validator Point Log Files

Ccmperf.log -Contains information about the initialization of the System Health Validator point performance counters.

SmsSHV.log - The main log file for the System Health Validator point; logs the basic operations of the System Health Validator service, such as the initialization progress.

SmsSHVADCacheClient.log - Contains information about retrieving Configuration Manager health state references from Active Directory Domain Services.

SmsSHVCacheStore.log - Contains information about the cache store used to hold the Configuration Manager NAP health state references retrieved from Active Directory Domain Services, such as reading from the store and purging entries from the local cache store file. The cache store is not configurable.

SmsSHVRegistrySettings.log - Records any dynamic changes to the System Health Validator component configuration while the service is running.

SmsSHVQuarValidator.log - Records client statement of health information and processing operations. To obtain full information, change the registry key LogLevel from 1 to 0 in the following location:HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMSSHV\Logging\@GLOBAL

Desired Configuration Management Log Files

ciagent.log - Provides information about downloading, storing, and accessing assigned configuration baselines.

dcmagent.log - Provides high-level information about the evaluation of assigned configuration baselines and desired configuration management processes.

discovery.log - Provides detailed information about the Service Modeling Language (SML) processes.

sdmagent.log - Provides information about downloading, storing, and accessing configuration item content.

sdmdiscagent.log - Provides high-level information about the evaluation process for the objects and settings configured in the referenced configuration items.

Wake On LAN Log Files

Wolmgr.log - Contains information about wake-up procedures such as when to wake up advertisements or deployments that are configured for Wake On LAN.

WolCmgr.log - Contains information about which clients need to be sent wake-up packets, the number of wake-up packets sent, and the number of wake-up packets retried.

Software Updates Site Server Log Files

ciamgr.log - Provides information about the addition, deletion, and modification of software update configuration items.

distmgr.log - Provides information about the replication of software update deployment packages.

objreplmgr.log - Provides information about the replication of software updates notification files from a parent to child sites.

PatchDownloader.log - Provides information about the process for downloading software updates from the update source specified in the software updates metadata to the download destination on the site server.

replmgr.log - Provides information about the process for replicating files between sites.

smsdbmon.log - Provides information about when software update configuration items are inserted, updated, or deleted from the site server database and creates notification files for software updates components.

SUPSetup - Provides information about the software update point installation. When the software update point installation completes, Installation was successful is written to this log file.

WCM.log - Provides information about the software update point configuration and connecting to the Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server for subscribed update categories, classifications, and languages.

WSUSCtrl.log - Provides information about the configuration, database connectivity, and health of the WSUS server for the site.

wsyncmgr.log -Provides information about the software updates synchronization process.

WSUS Server Log Files

Change.log - Provides information about the WSUS server database information that has changed.

SoftwareDistribution.log - Provides information about the software updates that are synchronized from the configured update source to the WSUS server database.

Software Updates Client Computer Log Files

CAS.log - Provides information about the process of downloading software updates to the local cache and cache management.

CIAgent.log - Provides information about processing configuration items, including software updates.

LocationServices.log - Provides information about the location of the WSUS server when a scan is initiated on the client.

PatchDownloader.log - Provides information about the process for downloading software updates from the update source to the download destination on the site server. This log is only on the client computer configured as the synchronization host for the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates.

PolicyAgent.log - Provides information about the process for downloading, compiling, and deleting policies on client computers.

PolicyEvaluator - Provides information about the process for evaluating policies on client computers, including policies from software updates.

RebootCoordinator.log - Provides information about the process for coordinating system restarts on client computers after software update installations.

ScanAgent.log - Provides information about the scan requests for software updates, what tool is requested for the scan, the WSUS location, and so on.

ScanWrapper - Provides information about the prerequisite checks and the scan process initialization for the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates on Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 clients.

SdmAgent.log - Provides information about the process for verifying and decompressing packages that contain configuration item information for software updates.

ServiceWindowManager.log - Provides information about the process for evaluating configured maintenance windows.

smscliUI.log - Provides information about the Configuration Manager Control Panel user interactions, such as initiating a Software Updates Scan Cycle from the Configuration Manager Properties dialog box, opening the Program Download Monitor, and so on.

SmsWusHandler - Provides information about the scan process for the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates on SMS 2003 client computers.

StateMessage.log - Provides information about when software updates state messages are created and sent to the management point.

UpdatesDeployment.log - Provides information about the deployment on the client, including software update activation, evaluation, and enforcement. Verbose logging shows additional information about the interaction with the client user interface.

UpdatesHandler.log - Provides information about software update compliance scanning and about the download and installation of software updates on the client.

UpdatesStore.log - Provides information about the compliance status for the software updates that were assessed during the compliance scan cycle.

WUAHandler.log - Provides information about when the Windows Update Agent on the client searches for software updates.

WUSSyncXML.log - Provides information about the Inventory Tool for the Microsoft Updates synchronization process. This log is only on the client computer configured as the synchronization host for the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates.

Windows Update Agent Log File

WindowsUpdate.log - Provides information about when the Windows Update Agent connects to the WSUS server and retrieves the software updates for compliance assessment and whether there are updates to the agent components.

13 December 2011

SCOM versions

This is a list of SCOM versions...
I thought it might be helpfull...

SCOM 2007 RTM = 6.0.5000 23 Mar 2007

SCOM SP1 RC1 = 6.0.6246 5 Nov 2007

SCOM 2007 SP1 = 6.0.6278 22 Feb 2008

SCOM 2007 SP1 Update Rollup = 6.0.6278.100 (KB 971541) 13 Nov 2009

SCOM 2007 SP1 CU1 = 6.0.6278.112 (KB 2028594) 30 Jul 2010

SCOM 2007 R2 Beta = 6.1.6407 20 Nov 2008

SCOM 2007 R2 RC = 6.1.7043 25 Mar 2009

SCOM 2007 R2 RTM = 6.1.7221 23 May 2009

SCOM 2007 R2 CU1 = 6.1.7221.13 (KB 974144) 30 Jan 2010

SCOM 2007 R2 CU2 = 6.1.7221.15 (KB 979257) 29 Jun 2010

SCOM 2007 R2 CU3 = 6.1.7221.49 (KB 2251525) 1 Oct 2010

SCOM 2007 R2 CU4 = 6.1.7221.61 (KB 2449679) 31 Jan 2011

SCOM 2007 R2 CU5 = 6.1.7221.81 (KB 2495674) 2 Aug 2011

SCOM 2012 Public Beta = 7.0.8289.0 – July 2011

21 September 2011

SCOM: Standard Dataset Maintenance troubleshooting

The System Center Operations Manager Support Team has published a great article on

Standard Dataset Maintenance troubleshooter for System Center Operations Manager 2007


KB article about troubleshooting the installation ot SCOM agents

Microsoft published a KB article (KB2566152) about troubleshooting the installation of the SCOM Agent.  If you experience issues with installing the SCOM Agent, this article is a good starting point in order to get it solved.

KB article about Agent Health Tip and Fixes

Microsoft has published an updated KB article (KB2616936) about SCOM Agent Health Tips & Fixes.

The SCOM Agent plays an important role in a SCOM environment, so it’s important to run healthy Agents.
This KB article will tell you a lot about what to do when certain issues arise.
Important hotfixes for WMI, Windows Scripting Host, a.o. are mentioned and referred to.

KB article about gray agent states in SCOM

Microsoft has published an KB article (KB2288515) about troubleshooting gray SCOM Agents.

This article contains a lot of good information, starting from easy troubleshooting to taking a deep dive into your SCOM environment.

16 September 2011

03 August 2011

CU5 for SCOM 2007 R2 available

Cumulative Update 5 for SCOM 2007 R2 has just been released ....

The KB article describing the fixes, changes, and instructions:
Get it from the download Center:
List of all OpsMgr R2 Cumulative Updates:

Cumulative Update 5 for Operations Manager 2007 R2 resolves the following issues:
    • Restarts of non-Operations Manager services when the agent is updated is resolved.
    • UI hang caused by SDK locking.
    • Web console is timing out while opening the left navigation tree.
    • Reports - Drill-through fails due to rsParameterTypeMismatch in the EnterpriseManagementChartControl.
    • Reports - Edit Schedule button is disabled with SQL Server 2008 R2.
    • Reports - Scheduled Reports view for Windows Server 2003 and SQL SRS 2005 SP3 CU9 - returns System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
    • ACS - Event log message is truncated or corrupted in SCDW.
    • ACS Filter fails for certain wildcard queries.
    • ACS - Updated ACS reports
    • Workflows - TCP Port Probe incorrectly reports negative ping latency.
    • Workflows - MissingEvent Manual Reset Monitor does not work as expected.
    • Workflows - Signed MPs cannot be imported when new attributes are added to existing classes. 
Cross Platform CU5 for Operations Manager 2007 R2 resolves the following issues:
    • Performance data for LVM managed partitions is not available
    • Process monitor does not retain name if run via symbolic link
    • AIX with large number of processes crashes with bad alloc
    Cross Platform CU5 for Operations Manager 2007 R2 adds the following features:

      • Support for Red Hat 6
      Note The new agent for Red Hat 6 is included in Cumulative Update 5. The management pack for Red Hat 6 can be downloaded by visiting the following Microsoft webpage:  System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 Cross Platform Monitoring Management Packs (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=b15fef5c-e331-4006-8913-be376bb0e0c1)

      Recommended installation order:

      1. Backup the Operations and Warehouse databases, and all unsealed MP’s.
      2. Apply the hotfix to the RMS
      3. Run the SQL script(s) update against the OpsMgr DB AND OpsMgrDW DB.
      4. Import the updated management packs provided.
      5. Apply the hotfix to all secondary Management Servers.
      6. Apply the hotfix to Gateway Servers.
      7. Apply the hotfix to my agents by approving them from pending
      8. Apply the hotfix to dedicated consoles (Terminal servers, desktop machines, etc…)
      9. Apply the hotfix to Web Console server
      10. Apply the hotfix to Audit collection servers
      11. Update manually installed agents…. well, manually
      1. Backup
      Ok... do the backup...

      2. Apply the hotfix to the RMS
      Download the CU... (only 950 MB this time)
      Restart the server
      My RMS are running Windows server 2008 R2 so I will open an elevated command prompt and launch the setup.
      When I get the splash screen, I select "Run Server Update".
      A setup will run, and when clicking Finish, another Setup is kicked off. This is by design. There should be three actual setups running consecutively (once for the core update, one for the localization, and one for Xplat).
      When finished, you are asked to restart the server.... don't ... yet...

      3. SQL scripts
      Very important....
      There are 2 scripts, located on the RMS, in the \Program Files (x86)\System Center 2007 R2 Hotfix Utility\KB2449679\SQLUpdate folder:
      • CU5_Database.sql
      • CU5_DataWarehouse.sql
      Let’s start with CU5_Database.sql.
      Open this file in SQL management studio and excute it against the OperationsManager Database. It will return a single string of output stating MPLastModified with a timestamp, upon success.
      Open CU5_DataWarehouse.sql and execute it against the OperationsManagerDW database. It will return “Command(s) completed successfully”.

      4. Import the new Managment Packs
      They are located at \Program Files (x86)\System Center 2007 R2 Hotfix Utility\KB2495674\ManagementPacks\ and are named:
      • Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.Report.Library
      • Microsoft.SystemCenter.WebApplication.Library.mp
      • Microsoft.SystemCenter.WSManagement.Library.mp
      These will upgrade existing MP’s in your environment. They take a few minutes each to import.
      I also uses cross platform monitoring, so I have downloaded the new XPlat updates, and will at this point execute the  msi and then import the updated management packs.

      Now I will restart my RMS.

      5. Management server
      On all secondary Management Servers, launch the update and choose "Run Server Update".

      6. Gateway server
      Again... Launch the update .. now choose "Run Gateway Update"

      7. Agents
      Update the Agents by Approving them in Pending Management.
      XPlat: Use the Discovery Wizard to rediscover the Linux and UNIX computers that you monitor. After you rediscover the computers, the agents on those computers upgrade automatically.

      8. Consoles
      On console machine, kick off the installer and select "Run Server Update".

      9. Web Console servers
      On Web console server, kick off the installer and select "Run Server Update".
      The update the Web.Config file:
      Insert just below the line:
      The server will need a restart after this.

      10. ACS servers
      The management server part of the is all ready updated (part 5), so kick off the installer and choose "Run ACS Server update".

      11. Manually installed Agents
      Well... on all manually installed agents, kick off the installer and choose "Run Agent Update"

      04 May 2011

      Huge amount of files fills up harddrive

      I was called to a customer, because their Management Server was running out of space on drive C:
      After some investigation, I found that one folder held millions of files taking up 10 GB of space
      The folder holding all these files was:

      C:\Document And Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys

      The huge number of files did that the GUI did not work, so..
      how to delete old files from the command line ??

      The I stumbled over an internal utility / command: FORFILES
      Forfiles has the option of locating files ie on dates or "files older than xx days" and then fire a command
      - just what I needed..

      So - this command did the trick:
      forfiles /D -180 /C "cmd /c del /A:S /Q @path"
      (find files older than 180 days and delete... /A:S because these files are system files)

      I navigated to the MachineKeys folder and fired the command...
      - well... it runs very slow... but it works.

      Now I have freed up some space, so now I will try to locate the application that fills the folder.
      As I suspected, it was the Quest QMX tool that throw all these files..
      And to be more specific... it was the Oracle extension. I will now have a dialog with the Quest team about this.

      Well, it turned out that this was a known bug in that version of the Oracle extension.
      It is fixed in newer versions.

      14 April 2011

      Performance Monitor corrupted

      At a customer site, I was setting up performance monitoring using PerfMon on several servers, when I at one server encountered the following prolem…
      NO performance counter “names” – just numbers…


      Running just one tiny command solved the problem
      - and that without interferring with production…


      lodctr.exe /r

      observe that I use a “r” and not “R” as documented

      06 April 2011

      Quest QMX are not inserting data in SCOM Datawarehouse by default

      I was at a customer, who wanted to generate performance report - and some of these performance reports was regarding VMware, which is monitored using Quest QMX.
      But I found no perf data regarding the VMware.

      It turned out, that a stiny little checkmark was missing in the QMX Configuration Tool:
      g_boolWriteOpsMgrPerfMetricsToDWDB (OpsMgrGlobalVariables)

      17 March 2011

      Bitlocker and BIOS updates

      You are using Bitlocker on your Win7 machine and want to update the BIOS....

      SUSPEND BitLocker BEFORE updating BIOS...

      But.. you forgot to suspend Bitlocker before the BIOS update
      and now you are stucked with BitLocker requiring key at every startup...

      Well... go to BitLocker and suspend it...
      and then resume it
      - and the problem is fixed :-)

      16 February 2011

      Removing Override MPs from monitoring view

      Override MPs are showing in the Monitoring view as empty folders.


      You can remove these folders, using “Show or Hide Views”, but this only applies to your profile.


      For an entreprise, with many consoles, directly removing the folders in the MP will be the right solution.

      1. Export your override MP to a location (ie. d:\MP) for editing.

      2. Open the xml file in Notepad


      3. Remove the whole <Presentation> part.


      4. Save the xml file and import the MP into OpsMgr again.

      Now – the Override folder will be gone from the Monitoring view on all consoles.

      15 February 2011

      Installing Remote Administration Tools for Windows 7

      Remote Administration Tools are installed as a Windows Update package.
      You go to Microsoft an pick up the right version:


      For a 64-bit Win7, you choose....... AMD64fre_GRMRSATX_MSU.msu (great naming..:!!)

      When you have installed the package, you have to enable the tools, using Windows Features..
      Go to Control Panel > Programs
      In Program and Features select Turn Windows Features On or Off

      In Windows Features, expand Remote Server Administration Tools and select the tools you want

      07 February 2011

      OpsMgr Agent upgrade fails

      I have just installed OpsMgr CU4 on my OpsMgr server, but when Approving agent upgrade in Pending Management, one server comes up with:

      "The MOM Server could not start the MOMAgentInstaller service on computer "name" in the time."

      This was the only server having having the problem. This server is running Windows 2008 with firewall enabled, but I have other servers with same configuration (also W2k8 w. FW enabled).
      BUT... it turned out that IT WAS the firewall that was the problem.

      Deleting the rule "MOM Agent Installer Service" solved the problem.

      04 February 2011

      Cumulative Update 4 for OpsMgr 2007 R2

      It seems just like a few days ago I installed CU3 - and now CU4 is available.

      Read about it here:
      You don't have to install CU3 before installing CU4, but if you have not installed CU3, you will have to download and install latest management packs for monitoring Linux and Unix computers.

      Kevin Holman has done a great blog about installing CU4

      Microsoft Management Summit 2011

      I will try to go to MMS march 21-23.
      I have filled out my Travel Request, and are now awating 4 leaders approval
      (MMS will probably be over at the time the request reach leader no. 4)

      02 February 2011

      Creating bootable Win7 and Win2008 ISO

      When you have modified boot.wim or install.wim (ie. injected drivers or patches using DISM)
      you may want to create new bootable iso files.

      I will show you, how to use oscdimg from Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK).

      Copy the DVD content and your modified files to a folder (here C:\DVD)

      Start the "Deployment Tools Command Prompt", and navigate to c:\
      The fire this command:
      oscdimg -bDVD\boot\etfsboot.com -u2 -h -m -lDVD_LABEL C:\DVD filename.ISO

      -lDVD_LABEL > this is a lowercase L (not 1) and the label you want to give the DVD

      filename.ISO > filename is the name of the ISO file

      27 January 2011

      Great Heath Check report management pack

      At SystemCenterCentral you can get the "SCC HealthCheck Reports v.2" Management Pack.
      This MP contains 27 great reports regarding the health of the system.

      Go get this MP - but be sure to follow the instructions for installation.

      Nice PING tool for OpsMgr 2007

      We have all created a ping tool, to be used inside of OpsMgr2007, but OpsLogix have created one with a nice GUI interface, to configure directly from the Monitoring pane in the OpsMrg console.

      Download free from opslogix.com

      20 January 2011

      Changing the Windows 7 login screen

      In Windows 7 it is possible -fairly easy - to change the login screen.

      1. Start Regedit

      2. Navigate to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\Background

      3. Double click on the entry OEMBackground, and change the value from 0 to 1
      (If the key does not exist, add a new DWORD value with the name OEMBackground)

      4. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the following path: %windir%\system32\oobe

      5. Create a new folder named info, and open it.

      6. Create a new folder within info and name it backgrounds

      7. Rename your desired wallpaper as backgroundDefault.jpg and place it inside the folder backgrounds (images must be less than 245KB in size)

      19 January 2011

      Installing ACS reports

      After installing ACS, the reports have to be manually installed on the report server.

      Follow these simple steps:

      1. Log on to the Management Server with an account that is a member of the OpsMgr administrators group

      2. Open explorer and navigate to the ReportModels folder in your Operations Manager install files

      3. Copy the folder "acs" to a locally drive, i.e. d:\acs

      4. Open a Command prompt and navigate to the folder d:\acs

      5. Run the command:
      UploadAuditReports ReportingServerName http://ReportingServerName>/ReportServer d:\acs
      note: you may see some warning errors as below on uploading the reports, these are expected and can be ignored

      6. Open Internet Explorer and enter the following address to view the SQL Reporting Services Home page. http://ReportingServerName/Reports

      7. Click Audit Reports in the body of the page and then click Show Details in the upper right part of the page.

      8. Click the Db Audit data source.
      In the Connect Using section, select Windows Integrated Security (if not already checked) and click Apply.

      13 January 2011

      Windows 7 - God Mode

      This is a simple hack that gives you ALL Control Panel and System Settings in ONE place.

      Create a new folder on your Windows Desktop.
      Name the folder: GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

      The icon will change: 

      Now - open the folder and see for yourself...

      Technical background:
      The strange extension is a registered classid which is recognized by Windows Explorer. This class-id represents a explorer-panel COM object like the 'Control Panel'. Therefore Explorer switches from filesystem view to the COM objects and the component displays whatever it wants in the explorer panel.