16 February 2011

Removing Override MPs from monitoring view

Override MPs are showing in the Monitoring view as empty folders.


You can remove these folders, using “Show or Hide Views”, but this only applies to your profile.


For an entreprise, with many consoles, directly removing the folders in the MP will be the right solution.

1. Export your override MP to a location (ie. d:\MP) for editing.

2. Open the xml file in Notepad


3. Remove the whole <Presentation> part.


4. Save the xml file and import the MP into OpsMgr again.

Now – the Override folder will be gone from the Monitoring view on all consoles.

15 February 2011

Installing Remote Administration Tools for Windows 7

Remote Administration Tools are installed as a Windows Update package.
You go to Microsoft an pick up the right version:


For a 64-bit Win7, you choose....... AMD64fre_GRMRSATX_MSU.msu (great naming..:!!)

When you have installed the package, you have to enable the tools, using Windows Features..
Go to Control Panel > Programs
In Program and Features select Turn Windows Features On or Off

In Windows Features, expand Remote Server Administration Tools and select the tools you want

07 February 2011

OpsMgr Agent upgrade fails

I have just installed OpsMgr CU4 on my OpsMgr server, but when Approving agent upgrade in Pending Management, one server comes up with:

"The MOM Server could not start the MOMAgentInstaller service on computer "name" in the time."

This was the only server having having the problem. This server is running Windows 2008 with firewall enabled, but I have other servers with same configuration (also W2k8 w. FW enabled).
BUT... it turned out that IT WAS the firewall that was the problem.

Deleting the rule "MOM Agent Installer Service" solved the problem.

04 February 2011

Cumulative Update 4 for OpsMgr 2007 R2

It seems just like a few days ago I installed CU3 - and now CU4 is available.

Read about it here:
You don't have to install CU3 before installing CU4, but if you have not installed CU3, you will have to download and install latest management packs for monitoring Linux and Unix computers.

Kevin Holman has done a great blog about installing CU4

Microsoft Management Summit 2011

I will try to go to MMS march 21-23.
I have filled out my Travel Request, and are now awating 4 leaders approval
(MMS will probably be over at the time the request reach leader no. 4)

02 February 2011

Creating bootable Win7 and Win2008 ISO

When you have modified boot.wim or install.wim (ie. injected drivers or patches using DISM)
you may want to create new bootable iso files.

I will show you, how to use oscdimg from Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK).

Copy the DVD content and your modified files to a folder (here C:\DVD)

Start the "Deployment Tools Command Prompt", and navigate to c:\
The fire this command:
oscdimg -bDVD\boot\etfsboot.com -u2 -h -m -lDVD_LABEL C:\DVD filename.ISO

-lDVD_LABEL > this is a lowercase L (not 1) and the label you want to give the DVD

filename.ISO > filename is the name of the ISO file