04 November 2015

Reinstalling Management Point fails with "Not enough disk space" on SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 CU1

I have a SCCM server (level: 2012 R2 SP1 CU1) with SMS Provider- and Management Point role installed.
After upgrading WAIK to version 10, a reinstallation of all roles were initiated.
All roles installed fine - except for the Management Point.

Looking into MPSetup.log I found:

PreReq fails !!! ok, we look into CCMSetup.log:

Ok, the client installs ok, but the update fails with.... Not enough disk space - The installation requires at least 90MB free disk space ...
I have plenty more disk space than required....

Ok, I removed the MP role - and added it again.... same error...

After several hours of troubleshooting it turned out that there was a mismatch between the MP and the client version, that the MP tried to install (thanks to Microsoft Support and Kent Agerlund @ Coretech).

To solve this issue, I had to follow these steps:
1 remove the MP role from the server
2 uninstall ccm agent (ccmsetup /uninstall)
3 restart the server (just to be sure...)
4 install the MP role (this also install a sccm agent)
5 upgrade the sccm agent (ccmsetup /upgrade)

YES... now my MP was up running again.
(but the error message was SO far from error as it could be)

03 July 2015

Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message 547, severity 16:

Object Replication errors after a ConfigMgr 2012 R2 SP1 upgrade.

After a ConfigMgr 2012 R2 SP1 upgrade, I experienced a lot of Object Replication errors in the SMS_Object_Replication_Manager.

These errors looked like this:
Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message 547, severity 16: [23000][547][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "CI_CurrentRuleDetail_CIID_FK". The conflict occurred in database "CM_***", table "dbo.CI_CurrentRuleDetail", column 'Setting_
Please refer to your Configuration Manager documentation, SQL Server documentation, or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information.

After a Little Google'ing, I found that Henk Hoogendoorn had the same problem, and he had described how he solved this.

Look here:

01 July 2015

Client version '5.00.8239.1000' is not compatible with the site 'xxx' version '5.00.7958.1000'.

I had just updated my SCCM environment (SCCM 2012 R2 CU4) with SP1 when I stumbled over this error, making my clients unable to upgrade

Download Update: Connecting to the server.
Successfully completed BITS download for client deployment files.
Successfully downloaded client files via BITS.
Validated file 'C:\WINDOWS\ccmsetup\CLP1030.msp' hash DCFA14C76F0C1E8FFC487C791F990EE464E79590BF93FA1657F72A1BB7956A7F'
Retrieved client version '5.00.8239.1000' and minimum assignable site version '5.00.8200.1000' from client package
Checking compatibility of site version '5.00.7958.1000', expect newer than '5.00.8200.1000'
Client version '5.00.8239.1000' is not compatible with the site 'xxx' version '5.00.7958.1000'. Client version '5.00.8239.1000' is not compatible with the site 'PS1' version '5.00.7958.1000'. Params to send '5.0.8239.1001 Deployment Error: 0x87d0029d, Client version '5.00.8239.1000' is not compatible with the site 'xxx' version '5.00.7958.1000'.

This was causing grey hair, until I had a little (great) help:

Is the management updated in the system management container?
Open with adsiedit and check the mp version on the registration. 

This was not updated.
Making SCCM update this, solved the problem.